— Lily Dart, Lloyds Banking Group / Source (YouTube)

— Lily Dart, Lloyds Banking Group / Source (YouTube)

The documentation of components is one of the most valuable tasks because it conveys the connections. Try to create a crisp documentation. Alle the popular design systems have crisp texts and custom made explanation images.


Evaluate your audience and decide for whom you write the documentation.

— Nathan Curtis, EightShapes / Source (Medium)

— Nathan Curtis, EightShapes / Source (Medium)

Basic setup

Separate structure and content

Make clear what is part of the documentation and what is part of the actual design. Use e.g. colors which are the opposite of your brands colors. This makes sure no one misunderstands what are helpers like guides and specs. Make a clear differentiation between skeleton visualizations and component demos.

— Anna Stumpf, SinnerSchrader

— Anna Stumpf, SinnerSchrader


Use clear and short texts

Kill paragraphs and turn them into bullet points.

— Reed Enger, Google AI / Source (YouTube)

— Reed Enger, Google AI / Source (YouTube)

Define the intent

Give every component a statement of intent. Examples:

— Reed Enger, Obelisk Art History / Source (YouTube)

— Reed Enger, Obelisk Art History / Source (YouTube)

Don’t use dummy text