— Brad Frost / Source (Blog)

— Brad Frost / Source (Blog)

A Sketch library is a powerful tool to provide a consistent basis for the design components. The design systems that have recently been updated (status: August 2020) no longer rely on a Sketch library but on Figma.


The following will give you an overview on how you could handle different topics in your sketch library.

Library name

As I installed all the different libraries, I recognized it’s not always that easy to see which library is which. Maybe the client / company should be included to the name.


Order of symbols

The japanese letter is used to sort a symbol to the end of the list. All other symbols are strictly sorted alphabetically.

— SinnerSchrader for a car manufacturer

— SinnerSchrader for a car manufacturer

The order is implemented with a two-digit numbering.

 — IBM


The order is controlled with numbers.

— Ant design

— Ant design

Order of folder for tools

This folder utilities is not named with a special character and sorts itself alphabetically to the end of the list.



One underscore sorts the folder _ignore to the top of the list.

— Shopify polaris

— Shopify polaris

Two underscores sort the folder __global to the top of the list.

— SinnerSchrader for a car manufacturer

— SinnerSchrader for a car manufacturer

The letter x sorts the folder to the end of the list.

— Apple

— Apple

The letter Ω sorts the folder to the end of the list.

— Material design

— Material design

Naming of breakpoints and viewports

<aside> 💡 If you describe your viewports by devices, is then for every user clear which viewport width is meant?


It seems the library is by default for desktop. One differentiation for mobile can be found.



The viewports are described with Mobile, Tablet, Desktop and Desktop large. One symbol set is described by the exact viewport width.

— Shopify polaris

— Shopify polaris

Apple has it easy. 😉

— Apple

— Apple