Experiment: Intents as names

Maybe this is an interesting experiment: If you name your components with the intent, you should read the code like an user journey.

— Reed Enger, Google AI / Source (YouTube)

— Reed Enger, Google AI / Source (YouTube)


Our Airbnb CEO was inspired by Disney and wanted to use storyboarding as a way to understand Airbnb’s customer experience. So he hired Pixar and brought the company together to design the end-to-end experience for hosts and guests. In a tech world full of different situations that are constantly grasping for our attention and never really finish, creating narratives that start and end satisfies the craving that we have as humans to complete a journey and feel that sense of accomplishment.

— Hayley Hughes, Airbnb / Source (YouTube)

Decision making benefits:

Examples of the Airbnb user journey:

— Hayley Hughes, Airbnb / Source (YouTube)

— Hayley Hughes, Airbnb / Source (YouTube)